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Corporate Video Series

Inform, educate, entertain. Those are the goals Vizo Financial had in mind when creating our video series. Credit unions are invited to watch all of our videos – which cover everything from workplace culture to FOMC news – to learn something new and maybe even laugh a little!

Ask Joe

Ask Joe videos provide a fun way to learn about solving workplace issues and drama with our chief culture officer, Joe Bertotto and his sidekick, Jeanne.

Malachi meets with his boss, Andrew, for his performance review, only to find out his efforts haven’t met expectations. Disappointed and frustrated, Malachi’s attitude takes a negative turn, impacting his work relationships and creating tension in the office. Andrew realizes it’s quickly becoming a problem.

Can Andrew turn things around with Malachi and help him improve his performance and attitude so it’s not affecting the team? Sounds like a question for Ask Joe & Jeanne!

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The FOMC Update videos provide an analysis of the Federal Open Market Committee Meetings. This video features our chief treasury officer, Tim Sustak.

In our latest FOMC Update, Tim Sustak, SVP/chief treasury officer for Vizo Financial, delivers the results from the January 28-29, 2025, Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting in our FOMC Update.

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