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Payment Services

They can swipe, scan, send or spend with cash. No matter how your members make their payments, Vizo Financial and our CUSO, MY CU Services, have the resources to back up or even boost your payment services. We’re always looking at trends for modern products to offer to credit unions, as well as ways to improve back-end processing, so be sure to check out our competitive and diverse payment solutions!

AFS Fraud Services

MY CU Services, through our partner, Advanced Fraud Solutions (AFS), provides batch fraud detection for credit unions that utilize our image capture solutions. This service offers a suite of solutions for credit unions to fight fraud through multiple sources including checks, debit/credit cards and online banking.

ACH Receipt and Returns

ACH Receipt & Returns streamlines the way your credit union receives ACH files. It does not require you to load or maintain software at your credit union. Your credit union has the power to determine whether you wish to process multiple ACH files from the Federal Reserve throughout the day, or combine the various presentments into one file for posting in your host system. In addition, credit unions can have their vendor pick up files via secure SFTP.

ACH Originations

ACH origination functions occur through an online platform. There is no software to load on your computers and/or maintain in your office. The origination system allows your credit union to set up one-time and/or recurring ACH transactions. All standard ACH formats are supported. MY CU Services handles all software upgrades, including Nacha Rules-related updates to assist with your credit union’s compliance to the ACH rules.

ACH for Business

Client Access through our ACH Originations solution enables business members to access and maintain their own originations. ACH originations are a great payment tool for businesses to utilize. How so? Well, it’s an electronic, contactless form of payment with quick, consistent and secure processing through the Federal Reserve.

Help your business members ditch the need for checks or anything of that sort. Make our Client Access ACH originations program part of your offerings. It’s a payment solution your business members can appreciate today, tomorrow and well into the future!

Domestic & International Wires

Vizo Financial offers wire transfers to move funds between institutions. Credit unions can wire funds to and from a financial institution for deposit at the Corporate or the institution of their choice.

MY CU Services offers the ability to transfer funds from your credit union to another financial institution across international boundaries with our International Wires platform. Funds can be sent in U.S. dollars or foreign currency and exchange rates are available on our online system.

Electronic Bill Payment

MY CU Services' Electronic Bill Payment service is designed for credit unions offering a homebanking solution without bill payment capabilities, or for credit unions seeking a stand-alone bill payment interface. Our solution offers the functionality demanded for consumers and small businesses. MY CU Services’ EBP solution comes with access to turnkey marketing materials and a resource center for easy member promotion and education, and integrates with the Mobile Pay application.

FedNow® Service

The FedNow® Service is the newest solution to join the real time/instant payments rail. Other payments rails include ACH, cards (debit/credit), cryptocurrency, cash, checks, etc. The instant payments rail works by initiating and settling payments within seconds through a technology-driven back-end process.

Foreign Collections

MY CU Services' Foreign Collection program lets you compete with bigger banks by allowing your members to deposit foreign checks with your credit union as opposed to going to a bank.

Foreign Currency Services

Euros and francs and yen…oh my! Through MY CU Services’ foreign currency referral program with CXI, credit unions are able to provide foreign currency to their members through CXI’s online currency portal. There’s even an option to add a link to the credit union’s website and/or mobile app where members can order foreign currency for themselves!

The best part? As part of this program, your credit union will earn a one percent commission on all member orders placed.

Image Capture

MY CU Services’ image capture program allows your credit union to send your share draft deposits to MY CU Services as an electronic file for processing. MY CU Services has multiple image capture programs available, including ATM/ITM Capture, Branch Capture, Business Capture, Mobile Capture and Teller Capture.

ATM Capture

MY CU Services offers ATM capture services, allowing credit unions to capture check deposits at their image-enabled ATMs. The images will be sent directly to MY CU Services for processing and collection.

Branch Capture

Our Branch Capture and Deposit product offers credit unions a cost-effective and efficient way to comprehensively capture check images, and send those images electronically for processing.

MY CU Services will provide forward collection of captured images. These items are sorted and forwarded on behalf of the credit union, utilizing our low-cost routing technology.

Business Capture

Businesses have many options when it comes to financial services. To stand out from the crowd, consider adding a product that provides convenience. And there is nothing more convenient for a business than depositing checks without having to visit a local branch. With MY CU Services’ Business Capture product, your business members can deposit checks directly into the credit union right from the office.

Mobile Capture

Mobile capture integrations enable your credit union members to make deposits using their smartphones and tablets. Mobile capture is available with MY CU Services’ Mobile Pay or other mobile banking apps.

Teller Capture

Similar to Branch Capture, Teller Capture takes convenience a step further. Instead of scanning several batches throughout the day or waiting to scan all checks at the end of the day, this capture program allows your teller to scan the check as it’s presented. Teller Capture will interface with the credit union’s core processor at each teller workstation when coupled with their receipt manager product to allow check images to be transmitted in real-time to MY CU Services.

Moli - P2P Payments

When your members need to pay someone fast, there’s one solution that stands out: person-to-person (P2P) payments. Our CUSO, MY CU Services, offers Moli, a direct P2P app just for credit unions.

Moli is a simple way to provide your members – both young and old – with the power to pay others right from their smart devices. No ATMs, no check deposit and no swiping necessary. Moli makes person-to-person payments happen with the click of a few buttons.

The app offers many great features, for your credit union and for your members:

  • The app links directly to your members' credit union account
  • Multiple layers of security for members' payment information
  • Customization to fit with your credit union's brand
  • Modern payment solution that will keep your credit union relevant and competitive

Moli in a nutshell is person-to-person payments made easy, fast and expedient!

Money Orders

MY CU Services offers Money Orders through our Positive Pay system. Your Money Orders are processed directly through your existing settlement account with low fees and no monthly minimum charge.

Official Checks

Whether your credit union wants to be fully involved in the day-to-day back office work for official checks or you prefer us to take the reins, MY CU Services offers two different official check programs.

Corporate Share Drafts

MY CU Services’ Corporate Share Draft program processes drafts on the credit union’s routing and transit number, meaning the credit union is responsible for reconciling the settlement account, liability for loss incurred as the result of fraudulent items, encoding errors, etc.

Positive Pay

The Positive Pay program processes drafts on its own routing and transit number, meaning MY CU Services reconciles the Positive Pay account for the credit union. E-statements detailing all paid, outstanding and stop payment items are available each month through Zephyr, or the credit union can download and view on-demand reports any time through the Positive Pay system.

Share Draft Processing

MY CU Services’ member share draft processing program offers straightforward, competitive processing fees with no hidden costs. All necessary data is captured from the draft and a unique sequence number is assigned to each item. A data file will be created and made available for your credit union or data processor to download. In addition, your credit union’s homebanking provider has the ability to tie their system to MY CU Services’ image archive.

Third-Party Wires

In today’s financial world, staying ahead means having the power to move your money swiftly and securely. Vizo Financial’s payments CUSO, MY CU Services, offers a Third-Party Wires service to help your credit union perform wire transfers through your Federal Reserve account by acting as your service provider.

How It Works:

The process is simple – rather than completing the wires through the Federal Reserve directly, your credit union can initiate transfers through MY CU Services’ streamlined and user-friendly online EFT platform.

MY CU Services will set up your credit union’s routing and transit number to serve as your Fed account within the EFT platform. During the initiation process, your credit union will select the third-party wire option, which will pre-populate your Fed account number. The wire will then be directed to the Federal Reserve for processing as the sending institution. Finally, funds will be automatically debited from your credit union’s Fed account.


  • Simplifies the wire transfer process through a convenient online platform.
  • Allows for automatic debits from your Fed account.
  • Ability to send and receive service messages through the online application.
  • Support of knowledgeable staff who understand the wire process.
  • Seven-year wire retention.
  • Transaction search and export capabilities.
  • Potential for cost savings.

Third-Party Wire Details:

The cut-off time for submitting and approving third-party wires is 5:00 p.m. ET for same-day transfers.